is to ‘Continue the work of Jesus’ in the times in which we live. We believe the message of the Bible is still relevant to every generation and every nation, and therefore we unreservedly commit ourselves to being an influence for Christ to the people we come into contact with. We’re passionate about God’s Word, living out His commands in our daily lives and being authentic Christ-followers, expressing our faith to those all around us. We’re an evangelical and charismatic church with a strong missional focus.
Coming to a church for the very first time can be quite daunting, especially if you’re not sure where you fit in. At Connect Church, our three congregations have their own character and style – but all
generally follow a similar format.
All our meetings begin by worshipping in song, followed by a brief welcome and news of what is happening in the life of the church. This time also includes an opportunity for regular members to give financially as they feel led. We often continue worship before the speaker of the week shares a relevant, Bible-based message to the congregation.
The service ends with more singing, and an opportunity for prayer and ministry time.
The whole meeting lasts about an hour and a quarter and there is then plenty of time afterwards to chat with others over a cup of tea or coffee, or even a meal.
OUR MISSION STATEMENT: To live out the teachings of Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit by:
worshiping God, developing believers, caring for people, presenting the gospel, and being a base for world mission and social upliftment.
These are some of the friendly faces you might see in and around our various congregations.
They are part of the core team who make Connect Church what it is.
Friday night is Kids Night at Connect Church, with three age-appropriate youth groups meeting throughout the evening. All our youth ministries are run by passionate and godly young adults who feel called to serve the children of the community in this way:
GRADES 1 - 5
5:30 - 7pm
Kids enjoy a creative, action packed, evening which revolves around a fun theme. This includes games, activities & relationship building. Kids have the chance to build community, in a safe environment, under leadership (made up of pastors & voluntary staff).
GRADES 6 - 7
7 - 8:30pm
Kids enjoy a creative, action packed, evening which revolves around a fun theme. This includes games, activities & relationship building. Kids have the chance to build community, in a safe environment, under leadership (made up of pastors & voluntary staff).
7 - 9:30pm
We meet at 18 Orlando Way in Meadowridge. It’s all about: introducing young people to Christ, Equipping those who believe, Building Community, Enlarging the Kingdom of God and Restoring those who are broken or in need.